Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 567

Chapter 567


She led a frugal and practical life. The down jacket cost her over 3 0 dollars, but that was a small fraction of her salary.

The man appeared uncertain, but before he could respond, Bettie joined them with a dish of sauce in her hand. She nudged Sabrina and whispered, Accept his request, Sabrina. He seems genuine, and maybe we could have a fun time hanging out.

Grinning, the young man gestured to a nearby table and said, We just got here yesterday. We havent toured much yet. And you?

We arrived this afternoon.

Bettie followed the young mans gesture and noticed two men sitting at the table, roughly the same age as the man in front of her.

Are you guys students? she queried, intrigued.

The young man smiled shyly and answered, Yes, we are final year students. We are here on vacation as well. Do you have any plans? Maybe we can split car rental costs if our itineraries coincide. It could be cheaper and safer.

Bettie responded with a smile, Perhaps. How about I give you my number?

Observing Sabrina, the young man discerned she had no desire to become his friend, hence he decided to befriend Bettie first. Sure.

He turned to Sabrina and said, Miss, if the stain cant be washed clean, do not hesitate to reach out.

Understood, she will, Bettie assured, speaking on behalf of Sabrina.

Once the man had departed, Bettie chided Sabrina, Sabrina, dont be so cold!

Sabrina, Lifting her gaze, queried, Did I come off as cold?

That mans sincerity was palpable, yet your face remained unmoved,

Bettie retorted, her eyes wide in disbelief.

I simply didnt see the need, Sabrina replied, slightly taken aback.

She had always been this way. Perhaps she had grown accustomed to working independently, as she wasnt an overly enthusiastic person.

She befriended Bettie and Aylin by chance because they happened to click with each other.

Tyrone was perhaps the only individual she had made an effort to maintain a connection with.

During our trip, we can mingle and have a good time. Its not as if they were becoming lifelong friends, Bettie reasoned.

Her words made sense.

Are we obliged to socialize with them? Sabrina asked.

That depends on our schedule. Tourists often visit Violetness. Longer stays mean higher expenses. Being students, they might not linger in Oslo for long.

